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Reels by J W Young, Part II

On the 9th January 1895, J W Young applied for a and was awarded Patent No 554 for the "Simplex" centrepin reel. In the application to the patent office, the reel is detailed showing the mechanism and how the brass cross piece can be used to act as a brake.

The significance of this reel is far greater than the very limited supply of this reel as original examples are incredibly scarce, especially the example photographed which is an uncatalogued size, measuring 2" 3/4 in diameter.

The reels importance is that it is credited to the birth of the Coxon Aerial which followed on the 26th March 1896. It was submitted by Allcock with whom Young had already established his collaboration and his influence on one of the most iconic fishing reels ever produced is still evident in modern day iterations.

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