Hardy Brothers, one of the world's leading fishing tackle makers, produced the "Special Perfect" from 1905 to 1939. Being a derivative of the Perfect fly reel, this model, which measures 3" 1/4 in diameter only and boasts a raised check mechanism allow for good line capacity on a reel which was lighter in weight than the standard Perfect equivalent.
The boxed example shown has a ribbed alloy foot, rim mounted tension adjuster, ebonite handle and a smooth constant Duplicate Mk II check mechanism.
Stamped to faceplate with maker's name, address, model and patent details. This example bears a finish to the faceplate that is characterised by the last of these reels to be produced which came to an end in 1939 where only 16 were made.
A look at the check mechanism.
So, with a 34 year production run, the "Special Perfect" has become a hard reel and was not a popular choice for the angler.
The alloy reel foot is riveted to the frame.
And a look at the winding plate.